Genuine Volkswagen Accessories

An Array of Accessories for a Vehicle That Reflects Your Image

Volkswagen Genuine Accessories are designed for your Volkswagen vehicle, and they will enhance both the versatility and style of your VW. At Arbour Volkswagen, we offer you all Volkswagen accessories, and we can even install your new accessory.

A Vast Inventory of Volkswagen Accessories in Laval

Our team of Volkswagen original accessories experts will be able to advise you according to your needs. No matter what your needs are, there is a Volkswagen Genuine accessory that can meet them. Come and discover our extensive inventory of original Volkswagen accessories today.

Arbour Volkswagen offers a wide selection of original accessories, such as roof boxes, bike racks, winter wheels, summer wheels, trailer hitches and much more. Genuine Volkswagen accessories are backed by a full 4-year or 80,000-kilometer warranty when installed before vehicle delivery and one year or 20,000 kilometres if installed afterwards.

Come today and discover our collection of original Volkswagen accessories.

An Array of Accessories <span>for a Vehicle That Reflects Your Image</span>

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